Grant Preparation
Before your organization starts applying for grants, you should understand what a grant is. A grant is not usually "free money" that can be used for anything (although there are unrestricted grants.) Most grants are programmatic - they fund a program. Programs are preferable to just writing checks because programs have a duration (a start and a finish) and they can be measured. Funders use the measurements to see if their money is used effectively.
Before doing anything, you should prepare your basic grant application package. You will need this paperwork for almost every grant application. If you don't have this information, you will need it. If you don't know what some it is, we can help.
Organization Name and Mission Statement
Board of Directors’ Names and Occupations
Officers Names
State Articles of Incorporation
501(c)(3) Designation Letter
Corporate Bylaws
Latest Organization Audited Finances o Latest Form 990
Current Approved Organization Budget
Specific Program Information
Program Description
Program Budget
Previous Results (if available)